International Speakers


Asst. Prof. Dr. Imtiyaz Yusuf is Assistant Professor, Lecturer and Director of the Center for Buddhist-Muslim Understanding in the College of Religious Studies at Mahidol University in Thailand and Senior Fellow at the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, (ACMCU) Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA. He specializes in Religion with a focus on Islam in Thailand and Southeast Asia and also Muslim-Buddhist dialogue. In 2009-2010, he was visiting Associate Professor and Malaysia Chair of Islam in Southeast Asia at ACMCU, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA.

sher-banuDR. SHER BANU A.L. KHAN is Assistant Professor at Department of Malay Studies, National University of Singapore, 10 Kent Ridge Crescent, Singapore 119260. Her research interests are related to: Pre-Colonial Malay World and Globalisation; Gender, Religion and Politics in Pre-Colonial Malay World; East-West Encounters in the 17th Century. Her current research is on “Women on Top: Sultanahs, Presidents, Ulamas, Resistance Fighters and Celebrities of the Malay World”. She productively wrotes articles for chapters in books and journals. Some of them are: “The Sultanahs of Aceh 1641-1699”, in Graf, Schroter & Wieringa (eds), Aceh: History, Politics and Culture (ISEAS: Singapore, 2010); “The Jewel Affair: The Sultanah, her Orangkaya and the Dutch Foreign Envoys”, in M. Feener, P. Daly & A. Reid, (eds) Mapping the Acehnese Past, (KITLV: Leiden, 2011); “I am chosen by God,” – Rule of Sultanah Safiatuddin Syah of Aceh 1641-1675 in Noor Aisha Abdul Rahman (ed), Religious Activism and Women’s Development in Southeast Asia, (AMP: Singapore, 2011); “Role-Play and Character-Building in the Teaching of History” in Teaching and Learning, Vol.22, No.1, June 2001; “Ties that Unbind: the Botched Aceh-VOC Alliance for the conquest of Melaka 1640-1641”, Indonesia and the Malay World, vol. 38, no.111, July, 2010;  “What Happened to Syaiful Rijal?” in Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde, April, 2011


Prof. Dr. Karim Douglas Crow serves CRVP (Council for Research in Values and Philosophy) as scholar-coordinator on Islamic Thought and Muslim Modernity, based in Kuala Lumpur since 1999. From 2008―2014 he was Principal Fellow at the International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS-Malaysia) performing policy analysis, convened Fora on peace & security,and co-edited the journal Islam and Civilisational Renewal. He earned his Ph.D. (cum laude) and M.A. (1978) in Islamic Studies at the Institute of Islamic Studies (McGill University, Montreal); and took his B.A. (1972) in Philosophy & Religion from The American University of Beirut.

Professor Crow taught Arabic Language & Literature (all levels) and text-based courses on Islamic Religion &Thoughtat undergraduate and graduate levels for over twenty-five years in the United States, Singapore and Malaysia. He has served on the faculties of: Columbia University(New York City),New York University, Fordham University, The University of Virginia(Charlottesville,VA),The University of Maryland; as well asThe International Institute of Islamic Thought &Civilisation(ISTAC, Kuala Lumpur), and theS. Rajaratnam School of International Studies(Nanyang Technological University,Singapore).

Professor Crow is a recognized authority on Islamic Rationality and on Shi’ah Islam. His other specialties are Muslim intellectual disciplines, Peace Studies, and Metaphysics. He has published numerous academic articles and book chapters treating Islamic Reason& Ethics, Muslim consumption, Islamic Peace, and the Sunni–Shiﻋah schism. Among his edited books are Facing One Qiblah(Singapore, 2005),Cultural Transformation and the Re-emergence of Falsafah(Tehran, IIP 2010); and forthcomingworks on Life and Thought of Jafar al-Sādiq,and ‘Aql Cognition In Early Islam.



Associate Prof. Dr. Rahimin Affandi Bin Abdul Rahim. Department of Fiqh and Usul Academy of Islamic Studies University of Malaya. His area of expertise is related to: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence Humanities; Sociology of Islamic Law Humanities; Islamic Law Reform Humanities; and Syariah Studies in Malaysia Humanities. Some of his published articles are: Islamisasi Awal di Pahang: Satu Tinjauan Teori; Transformasi Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Aliran Islam Sebagai Asas Pembangunan Modal Insan : Pengalaman; Genre Orientalism dan Tamadun Islam Di Alam Melayu; Peranan Aceh Dan Turki Dalam Islamisasi Alam Melayu: Satu Analisis.